VBS 2024: Child Registration

August 2–4 (5:30–8:00 PM Fri/Sat; 10 AM–1 PM Sun) | TO REGISTER: Please fill out one form per child and click submit.

Don't forget to invite your friends! We look forward to an exciting time together!
Please select all that apply.
PHOTO RELEASE AUTHORIZATION: Calvary Baptist Church occasionally uses video/photographs of children participating in VBS for publicity purposes. As the parent/legal guardian of the child whose online form I am submitting, a minor, I grant permission to Calvary Baptist Church to photograph/videotape his/her participation in VBS 2024. I further agree that any or all of the material recorded may be used in any form, as part of any future production(s) made by or for the promotion of the VBS program. I understand I may opt out of this photo release by sending an email to children@cbcpeabody.org stating my wishes, along with the name(s) of my child(ren).


August 2–4 (5:30–8:00 PM Fri/Sat; 10 AM–1 PM Sun)
TO REGISTER: Please fill out one form per child and click submit.

Don't forget to invite your friends! We look forward to an exciting time together!